The kids all did a great job - it had to be unnerving to walk out and see all the parents watching, but they were pros! :) It was very fun to watch. We also go to visit the book fair while we were there. Good stuff all around.
Which leads to my latest homeschooling thoughts... being sick this weekend, I had to spend a lot of time resting and laying low. It gave me time to think some more about all of this. I am someone who likes to make a decision, solve the problem, get it all resolved, and move on to the next issue. So this whole 4-years-of-debating-whether-to-homeschool-thing can be crazymaking. Each time I think I'm decided, something makes me re-think it all. Arrgh.
The reason we sent Bug to school was because hubby and I both loved school. We liked the yearly traditions, the new clothes (that was more me! :) ), the new school supplies, finding out who the teacher would be, seeing what friends are in your class, etc. And that all started on Day 1, or before. We loved being part of that school community. And we didn't want to "take that" from Bug. We found this wonderful little school - high ranking, in a lovely community, and they say it's like a private school education for free. And truly, it is.
But 4-6 weeks in, I started feeling like it wasn't anything special. I posted about that at the time, and got caught up in the idea of homeschooling again. Because, after all, if there wasn't going to be that sense of community and the excitement of school, and that was our main reason for sending her... why do it? The class was great, her teacher is amazing, the Spanish 2x/week? Love it! But I didn't feel that indescribable "thing" we both were remembering.
Well, I guess as adults, the whole "yaay we are all together doing this school stuff and neat things together" community thing doesn't automatically click on Day 1, like it does for the kids. Over the past month, I have started to really feel like this truly IS the amazing little school we thought it was. The play, the book fair, the report cards (so exciting!), a classmate's birthday party, etc. It's all coming together and hubby and I are starting to feel that "thing" we loved as kids. Bug's enjoyed school from the beginning, but she's really hitting her stride and was so excited to see her friends this morning after the long weekend. Her report card was great - she is learning new things and cute songs... I guess maybe the first month or so is review or catch-up? Because they have done some NEAT things since then.
If anyone out there is reading all my blog posts, it must feel like I go back and forth back and forth back and forth... and I have been. Even before this blog, in my other blog... this was the topic of much debate. But I started this blog so I could honestly write down what I feel about all of this and where we honestly are at. So that's where we are at. Back to where we were over the summer... in love with Bug's school.
We'll see where this journey takes us! :)
Happy Holidays!