Friday, December 2, 2011

Advent - Week 1

First, a couple pictures from Thanksgiving. Bug made pilgrim and Native American hats at school. Look #1:

Look #2:

And, this weekend, we got the tree up:

And, we changed out our nature "table" for Advent:

For Advent Week 1, we are focusing on helping those in need. (We got a great packet from church with all sorts of neat ideas - in it is a book called "Celebrating Advent at Home". Great simple and fun ideas!!) At school, the Holiday Project has begun - this year, each classroom has been assigned a child for whom the kids are bringing in donations. Also, our church periodically does a food drive outside a local grocery store, collecting food donations for the ICS Food Bank. We are taking the girls to help out this Saturday morning.

Happy Holidays!! :)